Information about the visas and permission for temporary import of vehicles for travellers who will travel within Myanmar Territory


  1. Travelers have to apply the Tourist Visa (Package Tour) at Myanmar Embassies in relevant countries and submit the letter from travel Agent in Myanmar.
  2. Travelers have to contact to one of Travel and Tour Companies from Myanmar to be responsible for the whole trip during their stay in Myanmar.
  3. Travelers shall convey the Passport copies, Travel schedules, photo of vehicles (from the front and side view), Types of vehicles, Manufacture Year/Chassis Number, Engine Number of vehicles to the travel company.
  4. The aforesaid company shall need to apply the travel permit with the above mentioned documents to the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism in advance.

Remark: The list of Travel and Tour Companies of Myanmar are available at the Ministry of Hotels and Tourisms' website,

Exchage Rate

لايمكن العثور على التغذية الإخبارية

Contact info

Lao-Thai Road, Watnak Village Sisattanak District, P.O.Box No-11 Vientiane PDR.

(856) (21) 314910, 314911, 353491

(856) (21) 314913